
The True Expense of Cheap Windows

Everyone likes to save a buck . . . or two . . . or hundreds. We get it. Our society has grown accustomed to getting the best deal at the cheapest price possible, and sometimes it makes sense. That’s why we have low cost bargain stores where cleaning supplies,...

Can You Buy Quality Windows From a Big Box Store?

You’ve seen them at the local home improvement store: rows of stark white windows ready to pop in place in your very own home, as easy as 1-2-3. Do-it-yourself windows with a super cheap price tag are always a smart choice, right? Big box windows do have their...

Why the In-Home Window Demonstration is so Important

You’re a homeowner with high utility bills, and you needed new windows yesterday. You call your local Window Depot USA expecting an easy one-step transaction, then you’re told that you need to schedule an in-home demonstration. Or you’re at a home...