
What about windows for “$189″?

Some window companies advertise one price: the cheapest price available. They don’t advertise or talk about any of the ‘good’ windows; just the cheapest.

Let me ask you: When’’s the last time you got a good deal (i.e.- quality product at a fair price) buying the absolute cheapest product? In ANYTHING?

Window Depot USA partners will often run seasonal specials with a $189 value priced window, specifically for projects, investment properties and often mobile homes.

As a window retailer, I’’ve probably got a lot of enemies in “‘the club” ’for talking about this. Well I don’t care. I care about providing a quality product and service, and earning an honest living. I care about creating a company that is strong enough to support the work we’ve done through our warranties.

I happen to believe that FAIR pricing is better than the ‘cheapest, guaranteed’. It works in almost every other area of life. Why would windows be any different?

So let’s talk about the “$189 Myth”

Window companies that promote only a $189 window have a dirty little secret. They don’t really want to sell any $189 windows.

Why you ask? Because the $189 is a price to get you to call them. And once you do…their job is to make sure you DON’T buy a $189 window.

I mean…let’s think about it. A custom manufactured window, with framing, glass, locks, weatherstripping and strength reinforcing costs money to produce. It’s takes money to create all the raw materials. It takes money to pay the workers who assemble it. It takes money to ship it from the factory to your home.

And then…a window company has to pay an installer to remove your old windows, and install the new windows in a quality fashion. Often complete with insulation and exterior trimmings.

Now I ask you…how is a company to do this for $189. Answer: They can’t.

The fact is…if they sell a window for $189…the probably LOSE, BIG TIME. And if they lose money…do you really think you’re going to receive great customer service, during and after the sale?

Window Depot USA partners offer a variety of energy-saving packages, at prices to fit every budget. And all of the prices are UP FRONT.

What happens when you have a problem down the road? With $189 window companies, installation issues are rampant. Why? Because they’ve paid the installer next to NOTHING to install your windows. At $189, they don’t have the money to pay a decent rate for a quality professional.

MYTH may sound like a strong word, but I personally believe that if you have no intent or desire to actually sell a window for $189…then advertising one is basically a lie. A company may choose to run a $189 special at certain times of the year, for certain types of properties…but quality companies do not base their entire offering around a cheap window.

Quality Replacement Windows cost more than $189. You deserve a product that is engineered to last a lifetime, installed by professionals that are building a great business. One that will be around for years to come…and be there if you need them.

We would be honored to provide you with a no-games cost estimate today.